At this year's Anime Expo, VIZ Media announced a number of upcoming manga to be published in 2016 including Masashi Kisimoto’s sequel to his Naruto manga, Naruto: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring, a one-volume saga set shortly after the final chapter of the Naruto manga and serves as a prequel of sorts for the next Naruto movie.
Other shonen titles announced for 2016 include a full color edition of Akira Toriyama’sDragon Ball Freeza Arc, and School Judgment: Gakkyu Hotel. In addition VIZ announced two new shojo manga Shuriken and Pleats, the latest series from Matsuri Hino, creator of Vampire Knight, as well as Behind the Scenes, a new manga from Bisco Hatori, the creator of the Ouran High School Host Club.
Debuting in the spring of 2016 will be Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Dawn, the first volume in the space opera by Yoshiki Tanaka that is set in the 36th Century, but which takes its basic narrative from the struggles of the European colonial powers in the 19th Century.
Other shonen titles announced for 2016 include a full color edition of Akira Toriyama’sDragon Ball Freeza Arc, and School Judgment: Gakkyu Hotel. In addition VIZ announced two new shojo manga Shuriken and Pleats, the latest series from Matsuri Hino, creator of Vampire Knight, as well as Behind the Scenes, a new manga from Bisco Hatori, the creator of the Ouran High School Host Club.
Debuting in the spring of 2016 will be Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Dawn, the first volume in the space opera by Yoshiki Tanaka that is set in the 36th Century, but which takes its basic narrative from the struggles of the European colonial powers in the 19th Century.
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