Mikkaka Overstreet Dec 15, 2022 The young adult literature world has a lot to offer — even for those who don’t generally like YA. As someone who favors YA, but also reads adult lithe following books delighted, disturbed, and entranced me. I’ve read them all as an adult-aged person, though I can’t claim to be the adultiest of adults. Additionally, many of these books also regularly show up on “best YA of all time” lists. So, if you’re a skeptic, read on for 20 YA books for people who don’t like YA. FANTASY-ISH YA BOOKS FOR PEOPLE WHO DON’T LIKE YA I’m a big fan of fantasy in all of its many forms. I’m an absolute sucker for a fairytale retelling and I love a dystopian novel with fantasy or sci-fi elements. If these kinds of things are also your jam, try some of the books in this section., I am well aware of the differences in writing for different age ranges. However, despite the differences, I truly believe that there is plenty of YA literature that anyone can enjoy. ...