Tika Viteri Sep 23, 2021 It’s spooky season my friends, and that means stories about ghosts and ghouls and creepy-crawlies that go bump in the night. Many of us could — and do! — read Halloween-y books year ’round, but occasionally we need to look around for a good old fashioned palate cleanser. And what’s that I see on the horizon, sailing out of a clear blue sky, with red sails and an ominously skeletal flag? Is that…a pirate ship ? Who doesn’t love a story of dashing, derring-do and some swashbuckling in the bargain? Ahoy are stories of ships and the sea and magic and mermaids. Airships and kissing, love and loss and everything in between. Pirates continue to capture the imagination because they refuse to follow the rules of the land, instead taking what they can and giving nothing back. They are dangerous, but often have a soft heart (in literature, at least), and the denizens of a pirate ship are made up of the ultimate group of misfits. Misfits whose crit...