Kelly Jensen Jul 15, 2021 With the recent release of the first two installments of RL Stine’s Fear Street trilogy on Netflix, there’s no better time to dig into the campy, fun, and sometimes downright terrifying old school ’90s teen horror books. Nineties YA horror runs the gamut from slasher to serial killer, campfire horror to astral projection, and more. It’s easy to think of only two big name authors in ’90s YA horror: the first being Stine and the second Christopher Pike. Both are beloved and classic for a reason. One of the most prolific publishers of horror in this era was Point Horror, an imprint from Scholastic. It launched in 1991 and included books by authors such as Stine, LJ Smith ( Vampire Diaries ), Diana Hoh, Caroline B. Cooney, and Christopher Pike, among others. Point helped launch Stine’s career in horror, though the imprint itself faded in the early ’00s. A reboot of the imprint in 2003 didn’t gain momentum and we’ve yet to see another...